
08 April 2012

Homemade Cream Cheese

So, you know how expensive cream cheese can be? I mean, no wonder a slice of cheesecake is sold for  $7 - $10. That's Philadelphia diabolical plan! I have to solemnly admit that Philadelphia cream cheese is best as of cheesecake. HOWEVER, in an attempt to minimise Philadelphia's monopoly, hence, allowing prices to be manipulated by the ingenious company, let's make our own cream cheese.

This homemade Cream Cheese requires only 1 ingredient. And using this method, you will save $10 each time you bake a cheesecake. Instead of spending $29 for 5 blocks of Cream Cheese (8 oz are sold at $5.80), you're going to spend a maximum of $19 for enough yoghurt to produce the same amount of cream cheese. Assuming, then, that all of you love cheesecakes (I mean, who doesn't?), you will soon save hundreds of dollars. Meaning I get to buy an ice cream maker with that money.
Granpa sarcastic : "and i created an alcoholic hippo (referring to Homer)"
Homer angry : "you never showed it to me "
Granpa sarcastic : "a Stupid alcoholic hippo"
Homer whines : "i still wanna see it!"
Granpa groans : "there is no hippo!"
Homer mad: "then why did you say it?!"
Granpa shouts : "cuz you're the hippo!"
Homer folds hands : "are you just saying that cuz you don't want me to see the hippo?"
Granpa on the verge of giving up : "i don't have a hippooo...!"

Seriously, who wouldn't want a tray like this for a breakfast in bed? A tall mug of coffee, Cream Cheese and Crackers! Might throw 2 pieces of bacon in there too. This cream cheese has yet to be turned into its fateful state of a New York Cheesecake but it's good enough as a dip/spread. A little salt and pepper, you're ready to go.

Away with the norm,

PS: As mentioned by Anonymous, please do note that this is only a substitution. Actual Cream Cheese requires huge machines and what not. I'd still use this for my cheesecake. But Anonymous can't have any because he/she is a stick in the mud!


  1. I need to make this, it looks easy- and I bet it tastes refreshing as well!

  2. Well I'll be a monkey's aunt. How clever you are my dear!! I will certainly have to try this. PHilly IS far too expensive!.

    1. @ Yudith: It is extremely refreshing :)

      @ Tara: Haha! It took me a minute to get the monkey thing!

  3. I've made my own paneer before, so I'm excited to try my hand at another delicious dairy product. Great post!

  4. I love making my own cheese-it's like bread baking, so rewarding! This looks great :)

    1. @ yummychunklet: I would love making paneer one day! You need several notches of courage for cheese making!

      @ Lorraine: Rewarding indeed! accomplishing! :)

  5. I love that Granpa and Homer exchange!

    I also love cheesecake, and a cheaper way to make it... thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for this! I live in SE Asia and if you think its expensive where you are its like gold here.

    1. @ Kristina: Simpsoms always seem to make my day a little better!

      @ Debra Hernanz: I know! They are so expensive and they never seem to sell in bulk for a cheaper price...

  7. I love "home" solutions for commercial products! I am making my own buttermilk now. I know you can acidify milk to achieve the proper rise, but the flavor is sometimes different then. I start with a little store buttermilk, add milk to it and let it culture at room temperature (or in the microwave with the light on for extra warmth) for about 24 hours. Although not as expensive as cream cheese, buttermilk costs more than milk and it's always a pain to run to the store when a spontaneous baking session calls for buttermilk.

    1. @ I Wilkerson: I for one use the acid in milk for buttermilk. Shake the bottle till your arms pop and milk curdles. Apple Cider Vinegar tends to work best for me. I am in awe of your compassion :)

  8. I have to get back to making cheese at home, I feel it is so much more flavorful...
    Great recipe!!!
    This really looks great.

    1. @ Reem: This is a recipe I've found on many many websites over the web. :) It is more refreshing!

  9. Oh wow! This is exactly how labneh is made. Very cool Jesica :) And smeared on those cracker....yummy!

    chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  10. What a brilliant idea! I use a lot of cream cheese so it would be worth my while to make my own. Plus things always taste better homemade :)

    1. @ Devaki: Thank you!

      @ Baking Addict: Its good to know we won't need to drill a hole to my wallet wanting to make a cheesecake! ;p

  11. I agree with you about everything but i have a question, i`ve never tried this but i know they are the same steps to do greek yogurth.

    You did it so how does it taste, like creamcheese for real? I cant wait to tryyyyyyyyyyyyy it!!!!! Thanks

    1. @ Noelia: Its my first time too! It tastes like cream cheese. A little Lighter and a little more sour. That's why its perfect as a spread on a buttery salty cracker.

      I couldn't find full-fat yoghurt. I believe this is why the cream cheese is less dense! It all depends on the yoghurt you use, thats why once you advance, you can play around with adding a little cream, or a little mascarpone to make them taste the way you want it.

    2. Tomorrow i will make some homemade yogurth and then try this :D Thank you!

    3. @ Noelia: Cheerio! Please tell me how it turns out!! :D I'm going to be using this for a cheesecake! We'll see if everything works fine!

  12. Wow! I never knew a substitution could be so simple! Thanks for sharing, Jesica :)

    1. @ Lizzy: will be sure to post the fate of the cheesecake with this cream cheese!

  13. That's such a clever yet simple idea! I'm looking forward to the cheesecake adventure!

    1. @ Hannah: will be sure to post if it succeeds and if it tastes good! :)

  14. Wow, this looks so delicious, I can't believe it's yogurt. I am in love with cheese cake, so with this method I can definitely see myself saving $$ down the line.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! :)

  15. What an awesome idea! I've never made my own cheese but would absolutely love to at some point...and how much nicer to have made it yourself than buying in an expensive little tub.

    1. @ Jessica: Yes Yes! save them and buy an ice cream maker ;)

      @ thelittleloaf: Precisely! Those expensive little packaging that probably cost as much as the actual ingredients! Why we make Jams too ... which reminds me, I've never made jams!

    2. No? I have the best recipes for strawberries and another orange one :D I will try to post them

    3. @ Noelia: I've never!! I'm interested in Strawberrie jams! Oh please do post them!!

  16. How interesting! I never would have guessed that all you need to make cream cheese is yogurt!

  17. Brilliant! Love that you put down "full-fat yoghurt" in the recipe - none of that low-fat stuff. :) I'll bet if you used Greek yogurt (or homemade yogurt made with cream) it would be even better, though more expensive. :)

    1. @ Erin: An anonymous commenter actually pointed out that cream cheese actually needs more stuff. I won't get into it, but following the websites I've seen, this is Cream Cheese that can be used in Cheesecakes and dips and so on. That's all I really need ;)

      @ Erica: Full-fat! I was so angry when I couldn't find full-fat yoghurt! I mean, I'm eating yoghurt instead of chips already! But throwing a tantrum in the groceries isn't a pretty scene, so let's move on... I'm sure homemade yoghurt is beautiful too! I would like to try it one day!

  18. Wonderful idea! If you were to add herbs or other flavorings, would you do that at the very end, or would you mix it into the yogurt in the beginning?

    1. @ Union Street: Definitely at the end. Remember to mix right before you want to use it. Keep the rest of the batch clean. :) I heard adding some good salt and chives.

  19. It sounds so simple! Can't believe you have trouble finding full fat yogurt! Give me full fat over no fat anytime! Well, until my arteries clog up.

    1. @ wokandspoon: I'm serious! i couldn't find any!! haha. will try with greek yoghurt as someone recommended next! IKR! those little arteries!

  20. Looks interesting and good but $5.80 for a block of Philly Cream Cheese? I pay maybe $1.80 for a block of it. I might give this a try to see if the taste is better though just to say "Yes, I can make that!"

  21. Looks interesting and good but $5.80 for a block of Philly Cream Cheese? I pay maybe $1.80 for a block of it. I might give this a try to see if the taste is better though just to say "Yes, I can make that!"

    1. @ Smurfe: Serious? $1.80 for 8oz of cream cheese?? That's so not fair... T_T

  22. Replies
    1. @ notyet100: I made one better with full-fat yoghurt! They are smooth!

  23. ---- and the liquid is perfect for baking bread ----

  24. I make my own yogurt so this would be perfect for taking that yogurt to the next step! yogurt is also super easy to make plus super cheap to make! a 4L (1 Gallon) jug of milk makes pretty much an equal amount of yogurt!! I can't wait to try this out!

  25. I make my own yogurt so this would be perfect for taking that yogurt to the next step! yogurt is also super easy to make plus super cheap to make! a 4L (1 Gallon) jug of milk makes pretty much an equal amount of yogurt!! I can't wait to try this out!
